
Friday, 27 March 2015

My Pet Dog

My Dog is called John, he is a brown bulldog.
My dog looks chubby and big. John eats is dog food and when he met someone he gets excited and wags his tail. Sometimes John's behaviour is bad, and sometimes good. When he is angry he runs around our backyard and barks loud. When he is good he  rolled  on the ground for 20 seconds.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Saint Patrick's Day is fun!

Hey its Saint Patrick's day!

On Tuesday we celebrated Saint Patrick's day. First, we went to the church to pray and sing songs. After that we went to Father Michael so he can bless us. After we came out from the church we did story writing .Next,the bell rang so I got my hat and morning tea. We played Zombie’s around the whole block. There were two Zombies chasing the four of us. 

Everyone in the school came and sat down in front of room 4 and 5. Then Miss Bullot put the kids into teams. There was lots of teams like Emeralds and many more.
  My team went to Sr Evalesi's game. Her game was called T-Ball. I hit the ball as far as a could. I think my hit was the furthest.

Next was Miss Chao's game. It was Rob the nest. It was a little bit challenging but I could handle it. Soon after was Mrs Dines and her game was, go under two hoops and hit the cricket ball while doing zig zags with a hockey stick. From Mrs Dines my team got 20 points. The last game we played was with Miss Craig. Our score from Miss Craig was 20 and Miss Chao gave us 9 points. Sister Evalesi gave us 10 points. Mrs.Twomey was the lucky last. We got 10 points. We got 69 points in total.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Playing Tee golf

Have you play Tee golf before? 

 Every Thursday Room 5L play’s golf. We said "hi" to coach Kannel. He asked what's our social skills and some of us said respect, honesty, listening, responsibility, and following instructions, we named everything. He asked what are the two golden rules. I raised up my hand and said “stay safe and have fun”.
Our warm up was hopping on the squares and if you hopped on the wrong squares you have to do push ups.We had 30 minutes fitness and then we played baseball. If you hit the golf ball you run to the three bases. If the ball reaches the orange base first, it means you're out, and if you reach to the orange square first, you won. After we finished playing we shook coach Kannel’s hand and said "good game", then we went back to class.

Popular Pets in Room 5L

The Turtles are the most popular pet in room 5L. 17 students chose turtle as their favourite pet.  They were popular because they have a hard shell.The least popular pet were the birds because they fly away.They create mess through bird seed going on the floor and you cannot cuddle a bird. Only nine student voted for them.